One can only wonder!
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At a time when employers are employing more AI in an effort to ensure consistency in service and product delivery, it seems as though human beings are reversing in the rendering of good customer service. Never have I encountered such poor service that seems almost deliberate in the poor delivery. Many moons ago, while working at Mike’s shoe store, it was instilled in me to always approach a customer within the first 30 seconds of them walking in the door, always smile, always be attentive, make suggestions when they can’t find what they are looking for, but never ever let them leave empty handed. Over the past two years, it seems customer service professionals are more angry when coming to work; I can only guess their BPL bill isn’t as high as mine because that motivates me to push everyday. Professional services entities, government offices, corporations, restaurants (no matter how gourmet the menu) they are also plagued with staff not rendering even satisfactory service. Good Customer service drives me to support a business, no matter the price tag. Good customer services creates brand loyalty. Employers are replacing receptionist with automated services and online ordering. Even housekeepers are being replaced by robots. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being used because of my top 5 reasons:

  1. No attitude and drama
  2. Greater efficiency
  3. Availability - no overtime required and they are available 24/7
  4. Reduction in errors.
  5. No vacation, sick pay and severance pay needed.

Although AI can have its challenges, they are being refined with every new model. But what’s happening with human intelligence?

  1. Lack of loyalty- the new generations: Millennials, Gen Z and A, have lost the loyalty gen from Baby Boomers and even Gen x.
  2. Lack of interest in refining of skills. Rather than acquire the education or skills for a job, they seem to prefer to quit the job.
  3. No need for probationary periods- don’t worry about probationary periods or notice periods, they quit whenever they want.
  4. Lack of the “will to serve”. Our parents came up with the willingness to serve, however, the latest generations seem to have a “will to be served”. Where did parenting go wrong? Parents gave whatever children asked for so they have the need to work but rather do it to fill the day.
  5. No matter how much is paid, it’s simply Not enough for whatever job they feel they are qualified for.
  6. The entitlement attitude that I can’t be terminated. In as much as this doesn’t apply to all, it applies to most in my experiences in Human-resources. Sadly, since COVID, they are even more so ill-prepared for the work-world and socialisation is more of a challenge than ever before. The demand for good employees has also driven up the spend -per-hire, which means that employers are paying more for less. Employees are not willing to work in cubicles or office spaces, but rather million dollars offices are often empty because of the new love for work from home. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs has always been a good guide for employers to employ when attempting to motivate employees. However, has the triangle been “flipped” where employees want to Self actualize or want to paid at that level before they give good service.


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